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poetry and prose 意味

"poetry and prose"の例文


  • poetry and prose
  • poetry     poetry n. 詩; 詩趣, 詩情. 【動詞+】 Not everybody appreciates poetry.
  • prose     prose n. 散文; 単調さ, 平凡さ; 《英》 翻訳練習用の文章. 【動詞+】 do a prose in class 《英》
  • prose poetry    散文詩{さんぶんし}
  • differentiation between poetry and prose    詩と散文{さんぶん}の区別{くべつ}
  • in prose    散文{さんぶん}で
  • prose     prose n. 散文; 単調さ, 平凡さ; 《英》 翻訳練習用の文章. 【動詞+】 do a prose in class 《英》 授業で翻訳練習問題をやる His prose is larded with pompous expressions. 彼の散文は大げさな表現で飾られている All great writers, whether they ma
  • poetry     poetry n. 詩; 詩趣, 詩情. 【動詞+】 Not everybody appreciates poetry. だれもがみな詩のよさをわかるわけではない compose poetry 詩を作る devour Dante's poetry ダンテの詩をむさぼり読む She heard the poetry in his voice,
  • assorted prose    {著作} : 一人称単数◆米1965《著》ジョン?アップダイク(John Updike)
  • austere prose    簡潔{かんけつ}な散文{さんぶん}
  • bombastic prose    大げさな散文{さんぶん}
  • breathless prose    興奮{こうふん}してしゃべりたてているような文章{ぶんしょう}
  • elegant prose    上品{じょうひん}な散文{さんぶん}
  • federal prose    政府用語{せいふ ようご}
  • fiction prose    フィクションの散文{さんぶん}
  • flowery prose    flowery prose 美文 びぶん


  • tsuzurabumi ' (a collection of poetry and prose ) was published .
  • " shoryoshu " is a collection of poetry and prose which was written by kukai .
  • starting with zen instructional literature , it covered such fields as poetry and prose , diaries , discourse , etc .
  • on the other side of the paper , " henjo hokki shoryoshu " (kukai ' s treatise on poetry and prose ) (edited by shinzei ) is written .
  • however , after the late taisho period , this practice declined rapidly , and composition of chinese poetry and prose was done by only a limited number of people with refined taste .
  • in the 1960 ' s , hideo fujikawa , a scholar of german literature , shinichiro nakamura , a novelist , and others began to reevaluate the chinese poetry and prose from the edo period .
  • the jifu (a type of literature between poetry and prose ) novelists represented by kutsugen (a chinese scholar-official ) in chu in the end of the warring states period made fu (epic of jifu ) for entertaining royalty .
    また戦国時代 (中国)末に現れた楚 (春秋)の屈原に代表される辞賦作家は、王侯の娯楽用として賦を作った。
  • he learned the tendai doctrine and was installed as hoin (the highest rank of priest ) dai sozu (the second highest position , upper grade , of priest ); on the other hand he knew very well about confucianism as well as chinese poetry and prose .
  • influenced by the study of (ancient ) japanese literature and culture , motoakira undertook a major revision of noh poetry and prose known as the ' meiwa no kaitei ' (lit . major revision during the meiwa era ) and compiled utaibon (books of words and musical notation for noh plays ); this book has the names of its writers annotated in the catalogue of the book .
  • during the golden age of gozan literature he was the priest who acted as the central figure; his collections of poetry and prose included " bingashu ," a collection of his gatha , or poetic verse of buddhism during his stay in yuan , and " hokaku shinku zenji goroku ," a collection of poetry , prose , and sayings of hokaku shinku zen priest , after returning to japan .
  • もっと例文:  1  2
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