prose prose n. 散文; 単調さ, 平凡さ; 《英》 翻訳練習用の文章. 【動詞+】 do a prose in class 《英》 授業で翻訳練習問題をやる His prose is larded with pompous expressions. 彼の散文は大げさな表現で飾られている All great writers, whether they ma
poetry poetry n. 詩; 詩趣, 詩情. 【動詞+】 Not everybody appreciates poetry. だれもがみな詩のよさをわかるわけではない compose poetry 詩を作る devour Dante's poetry ダンテの詩をむさぼり読む She heard the poetry in his voice,
tsuzurabumi ' (a collection of poetry and prose ) was published . 「藤簍冊子」(つづらぶみ)(歌文集)上梓。
" shoryoshu " is a collection of poetry and prose which was written by kukai . 『性霊集』(しょうりょうしゅう)は、空海の詩文集。
starting with zen instructional literature , it covered such fields as poetry and prose , diaries , discourse , etc . 禅の法語をはじめ、詩文、日記、論説などの分野に及ぶ。
on the other side of the paper , " henjo hokki shoryoshu " (kukai ' s treatise on poetry and prose ) (edited by shinzei ) is written . 紙背には空海の漢詩を集めた『遍照発揮性霊集(へんじょうほっきしょうりょうしゅう)』(真済編)が記されている。
however , after the late taisho period , this practice declined rapidly , and composition of chinese poetry and prose was done by only a limited number of people with refined taste . しかし、大正後期以降になると急速に衰え、漢詩漢文の製作は、一部の趣味人の手わざとなってしまった。
in the 1960 ' s , hideo fujikawa , a scholar of german literature , shinichiro nakamura , a novelist , and others began to reevaluate the chinese poetry and prose from the edo period . 1960年代になって、ドイツ文学者の富士川英郎や小説家の中村真一郎たちが、江戸時代の漢詩文の再評価をはじめた。
the jifu (a type of literature between poetry and prose ) novelists represented by kutsugen (a chinese scholar-official ) in chu in the end of the warring states period made fu (epic of jifu ) for entertaining royalty . また戦国時代 (中国)末に現れた楚 (春秋)の屈原に代表される辞賦作家は、王侯の娯楽用として賦を作った。
he learned the tendai doctrine and was installed as hoin (the highest rank of priest ) dai sozu (the second highest position , upper grade , of priest ); on the other hand he knew very well about confucianism as well as chinese poetry and prose . 天台教学を学び法印大僧都に就任したが、一方で儒学や漢詩文にも通じていた。
influenced by the study of (ancient ) japanese literature and culture , motoakira undertook a major revision of noh poetry and prose known as the ' meiwa no kaitei ' (lit . major revision during the meiwa era ) and compiled utaibon (books of words and musical notation for noh plays ); this book has the names of its writers annotated in the catalogue of the book . 元章は国学の影響を受け、「明和の改正」と言われる能の詞章の大変更を行い、新たに謡本を編纂したが、本著はその目録に作者名を注記したものである。
during the golden age of gozan literature he was the priest who acted as the central figure; his collections of poetry and prose included " bingashu ," a collection of his gatha , or poetic verse of buddhism during his stay in yuan , and " hokaku shinku zenji goroku ," a collection of poetry , prose , and sayings of hokaku shinku zen priest , after returning to japan . 五山文学の最盛期にあって中枢となった僧であり、詩文集としては、在元時代の詩偈を編んだ『岷峨集』や帰朝後の詩文・語録集として『宝覚真空禅師語録』がある。